Archiving Policy

The Journal of is committed to ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of all published content. This Archiving Policy outlines the measures taken to archive and safeguard the journal’s digital content.

2. Digital Archiving

2.1 Institutional Repositories

  • IJASMS deposits digital copies of all published articles in institutional repositories to ensure their long-term preservation and accessibility.
  • Authors are encouraged to deposit their published articles in their institutional repositories, following the policies of their respective institutions.

2.2 Publisher’s Website

  • All published articles are permanently archived on the journal official website. The website is regularly backed up to ensure data integrity and accessibility.
  • In the event of website downtime or technical issues, access to the journal’s content will be maintained through the institutional repositories and third-party archiving services.

3. Open Access Policy

  • Journal is an open access journal, and all published articles are freely available to the public immediately upon publication. This ensures that the content is accessible to a broad audience and remains publicly available in perpetuity.

4. Data Preservation

4.1 Format and Standards

  • The journal employs industry-standard formats (e.g., PDF/A) for digital preservation to ensure compatibility and future accessibility.
  • Metadata for all articles is maintained in accordance with established standards to facilitate indexing, discovery, and archiving.

4.2 Redundancy and Backup

  • Multiple copies of the journal’s digital content are stored in geographically dispersed locations to protect against data loss due to natural disasters, technical failures, or other unforeseen events.
  • Regular backups are performed to ensure the integrity and availability of the journal’s content.

5. Access and Retrieval

  • Archived content is accessible through the website, and institutional repositories.
  • Users can retrieve archived articles through standard search and retrieval methods provided by these platforms.

6. Policy Review and Updates

  • This Archiving Policy is reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Updates to the policy will be communicated to authors, readers, and other stakeholders through the journal’s website.