Physics Pedagogy: Research and Practice


  • Ghaida Abedelhakim Mohmmad Khadoor Master’s in physics, Teacher at International Private School, Qater.


Technology Integration, Physics Education, Student Engagement


This literature review critically examines the current state of physics pedagogy, focusing on research and practice in secondary school education. The review identifies significant themes and challenges by synthesizing critical studies, such as conceptual understanding, active learning strategies, and technology integration. It evaluates the effectiveness of various pedagogical approaches and provides recommendations for educators and policymakers to enhance physics teaching practices. The review concludes that while significant progress has been made in advancing physics education, ongoing efforts are required to address persistent gaps in teacher training, curriculum development, and student engagement. 


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How to Cite

Khadoor , G. A. M. (2024). Physics Pedagogy: Research and Practice . International Journal of Art, Social, and Managerial Sciences, 1(1), 27–31. Retrieved from


